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FDA: OTC Drugs Impair Driving

According to the FDA, even the use of over the counter drugs has the potential to impair driving in the same way that recreational drugs, prescription drugs, and alcohol do. Recommendations have been released regarding what to watch for, and which types of medications may cause these interactions were dispersed on October 7th, 2014.


Before using any kind of over the counter drug, it is advised to read all provided information carefully. If this information is not available, or is not regulated by the FDA then it may be advisable to avoid taking the medication. The following recommendations have been provided by the FDA.


1) Active Ingredients - verify what active ingredients are contained in the medication, and what percentage of the drug these represent. The purpose and uses section of this should match the condition you are attempting to treat.


2) Warnings - precautions and warnings are provided due to feedback received in the creation, testing, and use of medications. If any of the provided warning conditions are true, avoid use of the drug.


3) When Using This Product - this section will advise of any potential hazards or side effects that could occur during use of a medication. Check this area thoroughly, especially looking for phrases such as "may cause drowsiness" or "be careful driving a motor vehicle or operating motor vehicles."


Some medications are more likely than others to cause mental impairment that can affect daily function. OTC drugs likely to cause adverse reactions include antihistamines, anti-diarrheal, and anti-emetics(medicines for vomiting, dizziness, and nausea).

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