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Vitamin D Fights Prostate Cancer

Supplements of Vitamin D may be helpful in stopping or even reversing the progression of prostate tumors according to a new research study. This treatment is being tested for men at risk of developing less aggressive grades of prostate cancer from low-grade tumors.


Over the course of study, 37 men with low-grade prostate tumors were monitored prior to surgery for removal of the prostate glands. During the 60 day period, half the group received Vitamin D supplements while the other half received a placebo. The findings upon removal of the glands were that Vitamin D unequivocally slowed or even reversed the development of prostate cancer tumors. Alternatively, those men receiving a placebo saw continued growth of low grade prostate tumors.


According to researchers, Vitamin D caused dramatic changes in the lipids and proteins involved in inflammation. The supplementation of Vitamin D may help to reduce the need for surgical or radiation treatment in men with less aggressive prostate cancer.

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