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Mountainside Medical Equipment Has Donated Over 7200 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Mountainside Medical Equipment Has Donated Over 7200 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Hand sanitizer was in short supply last year in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, and among those who had the most urgent need for it were service and government organizations. Mountainside Medical Equipment responded to this challenge by donating over 7,200 bottles of hand sanitizer to these important groups.

Mountainside Medical Equipment Donates Hand Sanitizer

The initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic were marked by shortages of many critical sanitization and medical items, made worse by disruptions in international supply chains and limited manufacturing capacity. Many of our most necessary services operated without interruption during this time, despite having inadequate stock of personal protective equipment (PPE) and sanitization products like hand sanitizer. Fire departments, health departments, law enforcement services, non-profit organizations, and many other important groups all continued to provide services to their surrounding communities.

Mountainside Medical Equipment partnered with the Adirondack Distilling Company of Utica, NY to locally manufacture bottles of hand sanitizer for donation to community groups and government services. All 4-oz. bottles of hand sanitizer were made with a 70% ethyl alcohol formulation, meeting CDC standards for killing viruses in a health care setting. The companies donated over 150 cases of hand sanitizer totally 7,272 bottles over the course of the year to groups including the Otsego County Health Department, Central New York Veterans Outreach, and multiple neighboring fire departments and sheriff’s offices.

“We know firsthand how difficult it’s been to get supplies in the past year, which is why we’ve worked to support our community, hospitals and anyone else that we could reach,” said Marty Zarnock Jr., Vice President of Mountainside Medical Equipment. "Now more than ever it is so important for us to stand together and do what we can to help each other get through this difficult time."


Mountainside Medical Equipment continues to produce hand sanitizer under its Mountain Ice brand of products. Mountain Ice Advanced Sanitizer goes above and beyond the usual formulations, with a potent 72% Ethyl Alcohol makeup for superior germ-killing power, as well as soothing agents that protect the skin barrier, heal wounds quickly, and moisturize as you disinfect.

Mountain Ice Advanced Hand Sanitizer is on sale now! You can find 4 oz. bottles for the low price of $1.95 by clicking on this link! Stock up now while supplies last!

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