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Promethazine Oral Solution 6.25 mg/5 mg per 5 mL 16 oz (Rx)

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Original price $ 45.95
Current price $ 29.95
SKU 00121-0927-16
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Promethazine Oral Solution 6.25 mg/5 mg per 5 mL is a highly effective medication used to treat a variety of conditions. This oral solution contains promethazine, a powerful anti-histamine that is known for its effectiveness in treating allergies, motion sickness, and nausea. The main benefit of using Promethazine Oral Solution is its fast-acting relief, making it the go-to medication for those suffering from sudden bouts of allergies or motion sickness. Promethazine is also commonly used as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of coughs and colds, providing much needed relief from persistent coughing and runny nose. Furthermore, Promethazine Oral Solution is often used in the management of anxiety and insomnia, providing a calming effect and aiding in sleep. Its versatility in treating various conditions makes Promethazine Oral Solution a valuable medication, and it is no surprise that it is recommended by medical professionals for its effectiveness. So, if you are struggling with allergies, motion sickness, coughs, or anxiety and insomnia, consider giving Promethazine Oral Solution a try for fast and effective relief.

Promethazine and phenylephrine hydrochloride oral solution is indicated for the temporary relief of upper respiratory symptoms, including nasal congestion, associated with allergy or the common cold. Promethazine is an antihistamine, Phenylephrine is a decongestant.
Uses advised against Promethazine hydrochloride should not be used in pediatric patients less than 2 years of age because of the potential for fatal respiratory depression. Promethazine is contraindicated in comatose states, and in individuals known to be hypersensitive or to have had an idiosyncratic reaction to promethazine or to other phenothiazines.
Antihistamines are contraindicated for use in the treatment of lower respiratory tract symptoms, including asthma. Phenylephrine is contraindicated in patients with hypertension or with peripheral vascular insufficiency (ischemia may result with risk of gangrene orthrombosis of compromised vascular beds).
Phenylephrine should not be used in patients known to be hypersensitive to the drug or in those receiving a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI).

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