Below is a blood pressure chart that highlights the normal health range as well as high and low bounds. When using a blood pressure unit to monitor values, there will be two numbers provided. The determining values are what are referred to as Systolic Pressure and Diastolic Pressure. Using these numbers, one can identify where in the range of values their results fall.
Systolic - this is the top value when blood pressure readings are taken. Commonly, the systolic pressure will be higher as it is the maximum pressure recorded.
Diastolic - this is the bottom value when blood pressure is checked. Normally, this number will be lower as it is the minimum pressure recorded.
So, the Systolic number measures the pressure on the arteries as your heart beats and pumps blood through them, and the Diastolic number measures arterial pressure between heartbeats while your heart is at rest.
Presumably, if this is being referenced one has already become aware of the need to monitor blood pressure readings and is using some type of blood pressure monitor. Reference the blood pressure chart below to identify where in the range of values these results fall.