RID shampoo products are a well-trusted line of lice eliminating tools. RID shampoo, lice combs, and home sprays can help kill-off even the worst infestations of lice.
RID shampoos are effectively formulated to treat children and adults, 2-years of age and older. These shampoos are great for treating cases of head lice, body lice, and pubic lice (or crabs). Rid shampoo is designed to kill lice on contact and when paired with the lice comb, nits can also be removed from the scalp and hair follicles.
There are many lice-killing shampoos that can damage hair, due to the chemical formula used to battle the lice. RID shampoo is designed with an infused conditioner, allowing it to kill lice while also nourishing the hair. Additionally, the shampoo and lice-killing chemicals wash away easily, leaving no chemical residue behind on the scalp.
RID shampoo can make the process of eradicating lice and nits simple. This one product can help eliminate itchy infestations and get kids back to school faster. Head lice can affect anyone in the household, though usually it is brought home by small children attending school.
Save your family time and stress by using a well-known, trusted product to kill head lice and their eggs. RID shampoo has been used by parents for decades and with an expanded product line, there are tools for every need.
Mountainside Medical Equipment is a proud distributor of RID Shampoo products. Take advantage of our great prices and shipping options by placing an order online, through our website. Orders can also be placed by calling 1-888-687-4334 and speaking with one of our outstanding Medical Supply Specialists.