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Safe Straw for Dysphagia

Dysphagia is a condition that makes swallowing difficult and/or painful affecting over 150,000 Americans alone. Without proper treatment, dysphagia can lead to aspiration, choking, or gagging, and other potentially lethal consequences. This painful swallowing condition is commonly found in older adults, premature babies, and people with brain or nervous system disorders.


Fortunately, there are tools available to assist patients with eating and drinking that cut the risk of hazardous results. The Bionix Safe Straw is a reliable product featuring a new, reusable design. This straw effectively limits the amount of liquid, allowing for ingestion at a controlled pace.


The Bionix Safe Straw delivers 1 teaspoon of liquid intermittently every 1 to 3 or 6 to 9 seconds, depending on the patient’s needs. The Safe Straw is a cost-effective answer to mechanical swallowing problems. Actively decreasing harmful risks of dysphagia, the Bionix Safe Straw is for use in healthcare facilities and for homecare. Straws are available in two different versions to accommodate fluid thickness.


The Safe Straw is available for regular, thin liquids and also for nectar-thick liquids. There is currently no model available to deliver honey-thick liquids, and should not be used for patients who require them; the straw is also not designed to handle carbonated beverages.


Bionix Safe Straws can be used with bendable straws found in a local grocery store for enhanced convenience. The Safe Straw is also simple to clean, coming apart in sections, and can be cleaned in a non-industrial style dishwasher when placed on the top rack.


Provide dysphagia patients with a reliable method of liquid delivery that limits the risks of their condition. Use the unique Bonix Safe Straw to provide patients with safe hydration or delivery of liquid nutrition.


Mountainside Medical Equipment is a proud distributor of Bionix products including the Bionix Safe Straw. Take advantage of our fantastic pricing and great shipping options by placing an order online, through our website. Orders can also be placed by calling 1-888-687-4334 and speaking with one of our helpful Medical Supply Specialists.