Depending on the application, there are a number of surgical mask types commercially available including disposable earloop masks, molded, or the more advanced particulate filter mask. Each variety is suited to a particular set of uses such as general isolation, fluid resistance, and airborne pathogen control. Protecting healthy individuals from cross contamination is essential for reducing transmission of potentially life threatening conditions.
Commonly found surgical mask types like the disposable earloop mask help to provide basic protection against the transmission of germs. These tend to serve the purpose of being a one size fits most solution for discouraging contamination of airborne germs and the spread of respiratory infection. These are the most affordable and basic type of protection available and are likely to be found in homes and low risk medical care settings.
More advanced surgical mask types include the molded face mask. These medical -grade masks are selected when a better fitted shape and fluid resistance is necessary like in the case of surgical procedures. The preformed shape helps to provide a better seal preventing the transmission of pathogens. Like earloop masks, these provide an economical solution, but provide an extra level of protection.
For more significant procedures and isolation concerns, surgical mask types containing particulate respirators may be desired. This type of mask carries a higher price point but ensures the ultimate in protection against airborne pathogens and fluids. Many of these variety are certified by the CDC for exposure to conditions such as tuberculosis.
With the prevalence of an increasing number of life threatening airborne pathogens, there is no wonder that there is such a variety of surgical mask types. For more information on these or other available isolation products feel free to shop online or call us today at 1-888-687-4334.