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Cutter Lyme Disease Tick Test

Sold out
Original price $ 49.95
Current price $ 34.95
SKU 55570-9500-00

The Cutter Lyme Disease Tick Test is a revolutionary tool in disease diagnosis which helps health care professionals accurately and quickly identify the source of infection and prescribe necessary treatments. It utilizes integrating bench-top testing with point of care analysis for full evaluation and results within 15 minutes. This test requires no other laboratory equipment or supplies and is proven to detect the presence of Borrelia Borreliae within a labeled tick sample. It can also detect the presence of the Babesia Microti, Ixodes Scapularis, and Dermacentor Variabilis ticks responsible for Lyme Disease. This easy to use Cutter Lyme Disease Tick Test is able to quickly differentiate pathogens associated with Lyme Disease from other closely related species which is essential for effective treatment. This technology is a major advancement in inhuman diagnostics and will continue to have a profound impact in the practice of Lyme Disease Tick Test diagnosis in the future.

Benefits for Cutter Lyme Disease Tick Test

  • Early detection of Lyme disease: The Cutter Lyme Disease Tick Test can detect the early stages of Lyme disease before a person may start to experience any of the classic symptoms.
  • Can be used effectively under laboratory and field conditions: The Cutter Lyme Disease Tick Test allows a reliable testing environment that can be used both inside and outside of a laboratory setting.
  • Provides fast results: This testing method is relatively quick with results that can be obtained in about 24 hours.
  • Makes targeted treatment more effective: If Lyme Disease is detected early, treatment can be given in a more timely manner, making the therapy more effective.
  • Easy to use: This test is easy to conduct and requires very few materials.
  • Cost-effective: With very little materials or personnel needed, the Cutter Lyme Disease tick Test is an affordable testing option.

Buy Cutter Lyme Disease Tick Test online at Mountainside Medical Equipment.

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